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Welcome to Bridge Street Elementary School!


Learning and growing together!



Bridge Street School is the only downtown public elementary school in Northampton. We serve a diverse population of students, families, and community members and our location allows for our students to explore Northampton by foot interacting with local community members and organizations providing our students with the experience of getting to know their community. Bridge Street School has approximately 285 PreK-5th grade students.

Our dedicated faculty and staff are committed to enriching the lives of our students through education, exploration, creativity, and hands on learning.  Bridge Street School has strong support from its families and the local community and has strong partnerships with School Sprouts and Historic Northampton and we work together to provide our students with the opportunity to explore gardening in the fall and spring both on campus and on the grounds of Historic Northampton.

Three times a month our students, faculty and staff, families and community members gather in the cafeteria for celebration.  During celebration, classrooms take turns presenting something they are learning in their classes.  Celebration provides the opportunity to come together as a school community to honor our students, faculty and staff, and our school.

It is a pleasure and honor to serve the students and families of the Bridge Street community.  All are welcome!


Contact Bridge Street

2 Parsons Street, Northampton, MA, 01060

Hours: 8:00 am – 2:10 pm

Phone: (413) 587-1460

Fax: (413) 587-1474


Carol Ruyffelaert


Email Carol Ruyffelaert


Elizabeth Peterson

Administrative Assistant

Email Elizabeth


Yammira Santos

School Clerk

Email Yammira


Jessica LaCroix, RN, BSN

School Nurse

Email Jessica


A Day in the Life of a Bridge Street Kindergartener








Upcoming Events

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